jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

A new little piece of me: bookofcarling.blogspot.com

Mates,this is the opening ceremony of a new blog:


Yes, you guessed it. I speak about books on it, more accurately, about the last book I have red. So you might expect some kind of compromise between posts in this email and in the other one as I cannot be partying and reading at the same :D

It is written in Spanish. It is difficult enough for me writing about pubs in English, but there is no chance I might get something average talking about books.

Cheers!!! or... Books!!! :D

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

estoy alucinando con tus blogs: es la primera vez que los veo... ¿pero de donde sacas tanto tiempo? yo soy consciente de tu facilidad para el "chauchau" pero esto esta genial...