jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009


I have always thought about that song I am listening in some bar and how it remembers me a friend, for some weird reason. Maybe because I listened it with him at an important point in my life. Maybe because I was in a gig with him at that point. Maybe for something else. Or maybe there is no actual reason - in fact, those songs have a meaning for me, related to them. Maybe even they have no meaning at all for them. And let it be clear enough, this is not a list about good or band friends. It is just a list I can relate with music - indeed, some of my best friends are not here, as I cannot think about a song I have share with them at some point of my life that was sort of special for me.

Anyway, here comes my list - high fidelity stuff:

Yo - Last nite, The Strokes
Chus&Santi - Basket Case, Green Day
Isa- La de Ramón, Platero y Tú
Ruben - Elevator, Bad Religion
Makotogim - Sheena is a Punk Rocker, Ramones
Hermano Bro - Valerie, Amy Whinehouse
Peter PwC & Claire - Hung up, Madonna
Afri - Por fin, Platero y Tu
Santi - Self Steem, Off Spring
Chunle - A;os 80, Los Piratas
Maite - Friday I'm in love, the Cure
Santi Bel - Take me out, Franz Ferdinand
Paula & Juli - Last nite, The Strokes
Ana Reading - Another Sunny Day, Belle and Sebastian
Jorge& Agueda - Mr. Birghtside, The Killers
Adri - No sleep till brooklin, Beastie Boys
Disier- Jump Around, House of Pain
Sarriu - Oh reala laralaralarala lara lara lara lara lara laraaaaaaaaaa - popular
Marta Lu - Necesito Respirar, Medina Azahara
Sebas - William it was really nothing, The Smiths
Dxx - Fear of The Dark, Iron Maiden
Ira- Pictures of you, The Cure
Cesar- Welcome to dying, Blind Guardian
Richard - Intergalactic, Beastie Boys
Andres - La mataré, Loquillo y los Trogloditas
Simon - Du Hast, Rammstein
Tommi - La Chica de Ayer, Nacha Pop
Ebri - Sin Dios ni Amo, Extremoduro
Familia Gómez - Soy Gitano, Camarón
Roq - Vespa Especial, Luna Pop
Ivan - Estrella del Pop, La Oreja de Van Gogh
Cesar London 1 - X102, Jeff Miles
Cesar London 2 -The Ace of Spaces, Motorhead
Mike Bohan - New York, Frank Sinatra
Chaparro - El Perro verde, Marea
Mary - Bring me to live, Evanescence
JuanFran - Science in Violence, the Rifles

So, if at some point in my life I do a massive party and I get all these people in, I know what music I should play. Not because of them, but because of me.

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


makotogim dijo...

me ha molado mucho la de sarri!! es cierto, la de ramones, me recuerda al día antes de la boda todo pedo pegando botes en león!!!!

Miss dijo...

El viernes de cañitas comentamos que qué post tan chulo te ha quedado, Carling!

Lo mejor de las canciones son los recuerdos que evocan, sobre todo las de los momentos buenos, que te dan un subidón enorme!

Me ha encantado y mi canción....ays, hace aproximadamente un año estábamos viéndoles en Madrid!!

Me pongo melancólica: we want you back!

Alejandro "Carling" dijo...

@Miss Nada nada, en Semanita Santa con un poco de suerte la cosa da de sí como para a;adir alguna canción más!!!!

@Anonimo: Santi, como anonimo no tienes precio jajajajaj

Unknown dijo...

Elevator??? Para mí que va a ser Generator... ;D. Qué ratos en la Villa, se me saltan las lagrimillas, sniff (espero ser el Rubén en cuestión, jeje)

Alejandro "Carling" dijo...

jajajaja. Generator. Mas razon que un santo.